Per-mille (‰)

Per-mille or per-mil means parts per thousand.

One per-mille is equal to 1/1000 fraction:

1‰ = 1/1000 = 0.001

Ten per-mille is equal to 10/1000 fraction:

10‰ = 10/1000 = 0.01

One hundred per-mille is equal to 100/1000 fraction:

100‰ = 100/1000 = 0.1


One thousand per-mille is equal to 1000/1000 fraction:

1000‰ = 1000/1000 = 1

For example

What is 40 per-mille of 70$?

40‰ × 70$ = 0.040 × 70$ = 2.8$

Per-mille sign

The per-mille sign is the symbol: 

It is written to the right side of the number. e.g: 600‰

Per-mille – percent conversion

One per-mille is equal to 0.1 percent:

1‰ = 0.1%

One percent is equal to 10 per-mille:

1% = 10‰

Per-mille – percent – decimal table

WP Table Builder